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タイトルSTOVL Jet Efflux Characteristics and their Influence on Propulsion-Induced Effects
著者(英)Olson, Lawrence; Arledge, Tom; Wardwell, Doug; Naumowicz, Tim; Hange, Craig
著者所属(英)NASA Ames Research Center
内容記述Jet efflux characteristics are a determining factor in STOVL aircraft aero/propulsion induced effects. Subcritical jets may have core lengths which range up to 6 diameters. The shorter core length jets tend to entrain ambient air more rapidly, inducing larger hover lift losses, and decay more rapidly, reducing adverse ground erosion. In transition flight, shorter core length jets show a larger decrease in the lift loss and a slight decrease in nose-up pitching moment. Supercritical pressure ratio jets tend to have longer, higher pressure core lengths with a greater hazard for ground erosion. The decay in the fully developed region is similar for both subcritical and supercritical pressure ratio jets. For subsonic jets the decay is inversely proportional to the distance from the jet exit. In ground effect the supercritical jet induces an oscillating pressure distribution on the ground with reflected shocks and expansions which can increase ground erosion and, at low ground heights, cause non-monotonic lift loss variations.
NASA分類Aircraft Propulsion and Power
権利No Copyright
