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タイトルMTF Driven by Plasma Liner Dynamically Formed by the Merging of Plasma Jets: An Overview
著者(英)Martin, Adam; Eskridge, Richard; Lee, Michael; Smith, James; Rodgers, Stephen L.; Thio, Y. C. Francis
著者所属(英)NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
内容記述One approach for standoff delivery of the momentum flux for compressing the target in MTF consists of using a spherical array of plasma jets to form a spherical plasma shell imploding towards the center of a magnetized plasma, a compact toroid (Figure 1). A 3-year experiment (PLX-1) to explore the physics of forming a 2-D plasma liner (shell) by merging plasma jets is described. An overview showing how this 3-year project (PLX-1) fits into the program plan at the national and international level for realizing MTF for energy and propulsion is discussed. Assuming that there will be a parallel program in demonstrating and establishing the underlying physics principles of MTF using whatever liner is appropriate (e.g. a solid liner) with a goal of demonstrating breakeven by 2010, the current research effort at NASA MSFC attempts to complement such a program by addressing the issues of practical embodiment of MTF for propulsion. Successful conclusion of PLX-1 will be followed by a Physics Feasibility Experiment (PLX-2) for the Plasma Liner Driven MTF.
NASA分類Plasma Physics
権利No Copyright
