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タイトルATIC Flight Data Processing
著者(英)Ampe, J.; Ahn, H. S.; Whitaker, Ann F.; Adams, James H., Jr.; Case, G.; Bashindzhagyan, G.
著者所属(英)NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
内容記述The first flight of the Advanced Thin Ionization Calorimeter (ATIC) experiment from McMurdo, Antarctica lasted for 16 days, starting on December 28, 2000. The ATIC instrument consists of a fully active 320-crystal, 960-channel Bismuth Germanate (BGO) calorimeter, 202 scintillator strips (808 channels) in 3 hodoscopes, interleaved with graphite target layers, and a 4480-pixel silicon matrix charge detector. We have developed an object-oriented data processing package based on ROOT. In this paper, we describe the data processing scheme used in handling the accumulated 45 GB of flight data. We discuss calibration issues, particularly the time-dependence of housekeeping information.
NASA分類Avionics and Aircraft Instrumentation
権利No Copyright
