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タイトルTechnical Report of ISSP Ser. A: Number 2794
その他のタイトルPolarized neutron scattering study of beta-Mn and beta-Mn(0.9)Al(0.1)
著者(日)志賀 正幸; 中村 裕之; 西 正和; 加倉井 和久
著者(英)Shiga, Masayuki; Nakamura, Hiroyuki; Nishi, Masakazu; Kakurai, Kazuhisa
著者所属(日)京都大学 工学部 金属加工学科; 京都大学 工学部 金属加工学科; 東京大学物性研究所; 東京大学物性研究所
著者所属(英)Kyoto University Department of Metal Science and Technology, Faculty of Engineering; Kyoto University Department of Metal Science and Technology, Faculty of Engineering; Institute for Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo; Institute for Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo
発行機関などInstitute for Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo
刊行物名Technical Report of ISSP Ser. A
Technical Report of ISSP Ser. A
抄録Polarized neutron scattering measurements have been performed on beta-Mn and beta-Mn(0.9)Al(0.1) to study spin fluctuations. A large magnetic scattering peaked at around Q = 1.5 A(exp -1) was observed in the spectra obtained in the quasi elastic condition, indicating the existence of strong spin fluctuations with antiferromagnetic correlation. The energy and Q spectra at 290 K exhibit nearly the same profiles and intensity for both samples. However, the energy spectra at low temperatures are quite different: for the pure beta-Mn, the intensity decreases with decreasing temperature and the energy widthremains as broad as at 290 K. For beta-Mn(0.9)Al(0.1), on the other hand, the intensity increases due to narrowing of energy spectrum at low temperatures, implying a slowing down of spin fluctuations. These results are discussed in terms of a spin-liquid to spin-glass transition caused by Al substitution.
キーワードmanganese; aluminum; polarized neutron scattering; spin fluctuation; magnetic scattering; quasi elastic scattering; energy spectrum; antiferromagnetic correlation; spin liquid; spin glass; phase transition; frustration; マンガン; アルミニウム; 偏極中性子散乱; スピンゆらぎ; 磁気散乱; 準弾性散乱; エネルギースペクトル; 反強磁性相関; スピン液体; スピンガラス; 相転移; フラストレーション
資料種別Technical Report
