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タイトルFe(+) Emission from Eta Carinae B and D Blobs: Theory and HST Observations
著者(英)Ferland, G.; Verner, E.; Gull, Theodore R.; Fisher, Richard R.; Bruhweiler, F.; Ishibashi, B.
著者所属(英)NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
内容記述We present comparisons between numerical simulations of Fe II emission spectra and HST high-resolution and signal-to-noise spectra of the Eta Carinae Weigelt B & D blobs. The spectra show a wealth of FeII and [FeII] lines. We investigate the dependence of the spectrum on electron density and on pumping by blackbody radiation. Using the photoionization code Cloudy we were able successfully reproduce the fluxes of few hundred FeII & [Fe II] lines in the range from 4000A to 6000A. Fe II emission analysis in Eta Car ejecta is very important because it provides information about excitation conditions, the electron temperature and density solved in a selfconsistent way. Moreover, for the first time we were able to use Fe II emission analysis itself to put limits on CNO abundances in emitting regions.
NASA分類Space Radiation
権利No Copyright
