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タイトルThe NAS Trace Visualizer (NTV)
著者(英)Lopez, Louis; Cooper, D. M.
著者所属(英)Computer Sciences Corp.
内容記述NTV is a tool used to visualize execution traces from message passing systems. It is designed to be ported easily to different trace formats. The first version of NTV uses trace files produced using AIMS Version 2.2. Versions for the native traces from the IBM SP2 and Intel Paragon are nearing completion. A distinctive characteristic of NTV is that it uses static displays rather then time varying displays. This, in combination with mouse controlled zooming, gives the user the ability to get a global view of the execution and a focused view of details. The principal display is a time line display that shows a color coded time line for each processor. The color coding shows the processor status. Messages between processors are indicated by lines connecting the processors involved in the communications. Controls for these message edges let the user show all messages, no messages, or only message between specified sets of processors. Summary (profiling) displays are also produced. These are of two types. One allocates information by processor, e.g., the time the processor was blocked sending, and the other allocates information by function, e.g., the time a function was blocked sending.
NASA分類Computer Programming and Software
権利No Copyright
