JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルEffects of Autonomic Conditioning on Motion Sickness Tolerance
著者(英)Cowings, P. S.; Toscano, W. B.
著者所属(英)NASA Ames Research Center
内容記述This paper presents case-studies of 9 shuttle crewmembers (prime and alternates) and one U.S. Navy F-18 pilot, as they participated in all preflight training and testing activities in support of a life sciences flight experiment aboard Spacelab-J, and Spacelab-3. The primary objective of the flight experiment was to determine if Autogenic-feedback training (AFT), a physiological self-regulation training technique would be an effective treatment for motion sickness and space motion sickness in these crewmembers. Additional objectives of this study involved the examining human Physiological- responses to motion sickness on Earth and in space, as well as developing predictive criteria for susceptibility to space motion sickness based on ground-based data. Comparisons of these crewmembers are made to a larger set of subjects from previous experiments (treatment and test-only controls subjects). This paper describes all preflight methods, results and proposed changes for future tests.
NASA分類Aerospace Medicine
権利No Copyright
