JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルMapping Distant Continental Influences in the Remote Pacific Atmosphere; Simulations of CO Relevant to the Photochemistry of Oxidants
著者(英)Hipskind, R. Stephen; Guo, Z.; Chatfield Robert B.; Singh, H.; Sachse, G.
著者所属(英)NASA Ames Research Center
内容記述An animated sequence of maps of simulated carbon monoxide concentrations graphically portrays the extent of residual continental influence upon the tropical Pacific Ocean as studied by NASA aircraft during the PEM-Tropics B intensive sampling campaign. We used the MM5 at a 90 km resolution in a globally wrapped grid to simulate the meteorology of transport, and our GRACES model to follow the basic chemistry. The CO we simulate derives from different sources, and so we distinguish anthropogenic, natural terpenoid oxidation, biomass burning, and pervasive CH4-oxidation influences. "Influence" is always judged with an implicit timescale, and these maps describe influence on the 15-45 day timescale appropriate for CO oxidation. In consequence, the maps are useful in assessing the origins of slowly reacting compounds like acetone, methanol, and the lightest hydrocarbons. At 8 km altitude, The Eastern South Pacific to ca. 130 W (eastern Polynesia) was frequently affected by continental influences but NASA's DC-8's flight path did not happen to take it into these regions very often. Near the surface, continentally influenced air crossed into t he Western South Pacific, in the region northwest of the Southern Pacific Convergence Zone but south of the Intertropical Convergence Zone. This air originated from the NE Pacific, and partly from North America. Comparisons are made to CO and other compounds measured aboard the DC-8 and the P-3 aircraft. We will also use tracers to describe the influence of marine convection in the upper troposphere. As time allows, we will discuss the "age" of ozone within the very cleanest region sampled in portions of the near-equatorial Western South Pacific, using a simple chemical mechanism for ozone levels. These simulations describe the chemistry of an atmosphere with very low ozone.
NASA分類Environment Pollution
権利No Copyright
