JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルArctic Gas Phase Water Vapor Measurements from the NASA DC-8 During SOLVE
著者(英)Hipskind, R. Stephen; Podolske, James; Sachse, Glen
著者所属(英)NASA Ames Research Center
内容記述The NASA Langley / Ames Diode Laser Hygrometer (DLH) was flown aboard the NASA DC-8 during all three arctic deployments of the SOLVE campaign. The DLH measures gas phase H2O in the freestream air between the fuselage and the outer right engine cowling, essentially free from aircraft perturbations. It uses wavelength-modulated near-IR laser radiation at about 1.4 microns to detect the H2O absorption. Calibration is based on short path experiments in the laboratory using a NIST-traceable dewpoint hygrometer with carefully conditioned air at dewpoints between - 10 and + 10 degrees C. The theory of operation of the DLH instrument will be presented, along with a description of the calibration methodology. A simple climatology of H2O observations from SOLVE will be presented.
NASA分類Computer Programming and Software
権利No Copyright
