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タイトルThe Colocation, or Lack Thereof, of Deep Convection and Cold Tropopause Temperatures in the Tropical Winter Western Pacific
著者(英)Pfister, Leonhard; Hipskind, R. Stephen
著者所属(英)NASA Ames Research Center
内容記述Recent work has suggested that dehydration near the tropical tropopause during the northern hemisphere winter is separate in place and time from the actual transfer of mass from the troposphere to the stratosphere. In fact, some work suggests that dehydration takes place in an environment where the motion is downward, with such downward motion induced either by radiative cooling over cold cloud tops or turbulent heat flux divergence due to convection. Radiative heating and cooling rates at the tropical tropopause are quite small and very sensitive to the temperature profile and underlying cloudiness. Given this, the idea of downward motion in the region of coldest temperatures and dehydration implies that coldest temperatures and underlying cloudiness are colocated. This may not necessarily be the case. This paper attempts to explore, on a preliminary basis: (1) The sensitivity of radiative heating rates at the tropical tropopause to details of the temperature profile and underlying cloudiness and (2) the relative positions of high cold clouds and cold tropopause temperatures.
NASA分類Meteorology and Climatology
権利No Copyright
