JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルRelationship of Ion Vertical Flows to Topside Electron Temperatures
著者(英)Wu, X.-Y.; Craven, P. D.; Moore, T. E.; Zeng, W.; Rich, F. J.; Whitaker, Ann F.; Horwitz, L.
著者所属(英)NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
内容記述We present four periods of vertical/field-aligned O(+) flow parameters observed by DMSP12 and DMSP13 at 840 km when they passed the southern polar region near simultaneously during April 1996, together with POLAR observations at 5000 km near the same measurement period. The newest part in this presentation is the inclusion of the electron temperatures measured by DMSP spacecraft and provide us a snapshot of the O(+) vertical flow velocities and O(+) densities as they relate to electron temperatures along distinct satellite tracks passing through both the expected cleft and auroral regions, and the polar cap region. We find some correlation between vertical velocity and electron temperature along the DMSP spacecraft tracks, but only a weak correlation between the vertical velocity and electron temperature was shown in the statistics for the whole period when both flow velocity and electron temperature were measured. Downward O(+) flows occurred only for the lower (less than 4000 K) electron temperature regions. When electron temperatures were lower than 3000 K, the O(+) densities generally increased as the electron temperatures increased. But when electron temperatures were greater than 3500 K, the O(+) densities generally decreased as the electron temperatures increased. Different physical processes may correspond to these different correlation relations between O(+) densities and electron temperatures.
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