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タイトルSome Novel Solidification Processing Techniques Being Investigated at MSFC: Their Extension for Study Aboard the ISS
著者(英)Mazuruk, K.; Whitaker, Ann F.; Grugel, R. N.; Fedoseyev, A. I.; Anilkumar, A. V.
著者所属(英)NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
内容記述The float-zone and the Bridgman techniques are two classical directional solidification processing methods that are used to improve materials properties. Unfortunately, buoyancy effects and gravity-driven convection due to unstable temperature and/or composition gradients still produce solidified products that exhibit segregation and, consequently, degraded properties. This presentation will briefly introduce how some novel processing applications can minimize detrimental gravitational effects and enhance microstructural uniformity. Discussion follows that to fully understand and model these procedures requires utilizing, in conjunction with a novel mixing technique, the facilities and quiescent microgravity environment available on the ISS.
NASA分類Space Processing
権利No Copyright
