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タイトルScattering/Transmission of Energetic H(sup +), He(sup +), and O(sup +) Through a Thin Composite Si/Lexan/C Foil
著者(英)Magi, B. I.; Moore, T. E.; Rose, M. Franklin; Ho, G. C.; Hsieh, K. C.; Hamilton, D. C.; Pollock, C. J.; Adrian, M. L.
著者所属(英)NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
内容記述The need for a thin foil to serve both as an extreme ultraviolet (EUV) radiation attenuator and as a secondary electron generator for time-of-flight (TOF) instruments and energetic neutral atom (ENA) imagers has led us to test the scattering and transmission characteristics of a layered foil of nominal aerial thicknesses of 5 microns/sq cm Si, 4 microns/sq.cm Lexan ((C16)H(14)O3), and 1 micron/sq.cm C. We report the scattering and transmission results of subjecting this foil to H(sup +), He(sup +), and O(sup +) beams of energy less than 120 keV. The scattering of these particles, defined by the half-angular-width at half-maximum (HWHM), decreases with increasing energy and is found to be 10 deg for 10 keV H(sup +), 22 keV for He(sup +), and 100 keV for O(sup +). The 50% transmission threshold for these particles was found to be 3.9 keV for H(sup +), 8.6 keV for He(sup +), and 49.5 keV for O(sup +). Additionally, ion transmission shows evidence of resonance scattering from a rectangular potential independent of incident ion mass. Particularly evident is a local transmission minimum at 70 keV possessing a Gaussian-width of 20 keV. For incident energies below 50 keV, computer simulations of H+-foil interactions using SRIM96 agree well with the H(sup +) data, while yielding less scattering and higher transmission than indicated by the O(sup +) data.
NASA分類Atomic and Molecular Physics
権利No Copyright
