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タイトルModeling the Compression of Merged Compact Toroids by Multiple Plasma Jets
著者(英)Thio, Y. C. Francis; Rodgers, Stephen L.; Knapp, Charles E.; Kirkpatrick, Ron
著者所属(英)NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
内容記述A fusion propulsion scheme has been proposed that makes use of the merging of a spherical distribution of plasma jets to dynamically form a gaseous liner. The gaseous liner is used to implode a magnetized target to produce the fusion reaction in a standoff manner. In this paper, the merging of the plasma jets to form the gaseous liner is investigated numerically. The Los Alamos SPHINX code, based on the smoothed particle hydrodynamics method is used to model the interaction of the jets. 2-D and 3-D simulations have been performed to study the characteristics of the resulting flow when these jets collide. The results show that the jets merge to form a plasma liner that converge radially which may be used to compress the central plasma to fusion conditions. Details of the computational model and the SPH numerical methods will be presented together with the numerical results.
NASA分類Plasma Physics
権利No Copyright
