JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルIntercalibration of the infrared channels between GMS-5 and GOES-9
著者(日)太原 芳彦; 大河原 望; 奥山 新
著者(英)Tahara, Yoshihiko; Okawara, Nozomu; Okuyama, Arata
著者所属(日)気象衛星センター データ処理部 システム管理課; 気象衛星センター データ処理部 システム管理課; 気象衛星センター データ処理部 システム管理課
著者所属(英)Meteorological Satellite Center System Engineering Division, Data Processing Department; Meteorological Satellite Center System Engineering Division, Data Processing Department; Meteorological Satellite Center System Engineering Division, Data Processing Department
刊行物名Meteorological Satellite Center Technical Note
抄録This study investigates intercalibration between the GOES-9 Imager and GMS-5 VISSR infrared channels. Observed and simulated brightness temperatures from GOES-9 and GMS-5 are used for this purpose. The observed brightness temperatures are obtained from images observed just before the switchover from GMS-5 to GOES-9; the simulated brightness temperatures are computed by MODTRAN 3.7. In the comparison of the horizontal images, a difference between GOES-9 and GMS-5 is recognized, as expected from their spectral response functions and each radiative path. Further, as the result of the statistical comparison of observed brightness temperatures with the same radiative path length from the satellites within the cloud-free ocean area, discrepancies inconsistent with simulations are detected. The averages of the discrepancies between GOES-9 and GMS-5 with respect to residuals of the observed from simulated brightness temperatures are 0.7 K for the infrared window channel 1 (IR1), 0.28 K for the infrared window channel 2 (IR2) and 2.4 K for the water vapor channel (WV). Potential sources of the differences are inaccurate calibration, the unveiled degradation of the sensors and the satellites, systematic error in the simulated brightness temperatures, etc. In order to identify the source, further research is necessary. Despite the fact that the sources are unconfirmed, the result of this study may be of help to revise the algorithms of GOES-9 applications. For instance, a linear relationship is found between GOES-9 and GMS-5 with respect to difference between the IR1 and IR2 brightness temperatures.
キーワードGOES-9; GMS-5 VISSR; intercalibration; brightness temperature; infrared imagery; water vapor; simulation; spectral response function; GOES-9; GMS-5 VISSR; 相互校正; 輝度温度; 赤外線画像; 水蒸気; シミュレーション; スペクトル応答関数
資料種別Technical Report
