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タイトルAutonomy for Constellation
著者(英)Truszkowski, Walt; Szczur, Martha R.
著者所属(英)NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
内容記述The newer types of space systems, which are planned for the future, are placing challenging demands for newer autonomy concepts and techniques. Motivating these challenges are resource constraints. Even though onboard computing power will surely increase in the coming years, the resource constraints associated with space-based processes will continue to be a major factor that needs to be considered when dealing with, for example, agent-based spacecraft autonomy. To realize "economical intelligence", i.e., constrained computational intelligence that can reside within a process under severe resource constraints (time, power, space, etc.), is a major goal for such space systems as the Nanosat constellations. To begin to address the new challenges, we are developing approaches to constellation autonomy with constraints in mind. Within the Agent Concepts Testbed (ACT) at the Goddard Space Flight Center we are currently developing a Nanosat-related prototype for the first of the two-step program.
NASA分類Astronautics (General)
権利No Copyright
