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タイトルBiogenic Magnetite in Martian Meteorite ALH84001
著者(英)Thomas-Keprta, Kathie L.; Bazylinski, Dennis; Golden, D. C.; Kirschvink, Joseph L.; Bell, Mary Sue; Wentworth, Susan J.; Clemett, Simon J.; McKay, David S.
著者所属(英)NASA Johnson Space Center
内容記述Fine-grained magnetite (Fe3O4) in martian meteorite ALH84001, generally less than 200 microns in size, is located primarily in the rims that surround the carbonate globules. There are two populations of ALH84001 magnets, which are likely formed at low temperature by inorganic and biogenic processes. Nearly 27/o of ALH84001 magnetite particles. also called elongated prisms, have characteristics which make them uniquely identifiable as biological precipitates.
権利No Copyright
