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タイトルArctic chemical Ozone Loss Observed by the AROTEL Instrument during the SOLVE Campaign, December 1999 - March 2000
著者(英)Heaps,William; Newman, Paul; Silbert, Donald; McGee, Thomas J.; Lait, Leslie; Hoegy, Walter; Twigg, Laurence; Burris, John F.; Sumnicht, Grant
著者所属(英)NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
内容記述During the winter of 1999-2000, the AROTEL instrument was deployed on the NASA DC-8 at Kiruna, Sweden for the SAGE III Ozone Loss Validation Experiment (SOLVE). Measurements of ozone, temperature and aerosols were made on 18 local science flights from December to March. Extremely low temperatures were observed throughout most of the Arctic vortex and polar stratospheric clouds were observed throughout the Arctic area during January. Significant ozone loss was measured after the sun began to rise on the vortex area in February. Ozone mixing ratios as low as 800 ppbv were observed during flights in March.
NASA分類Environment Pollution
権利No Copyright
