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タイトルModeling of Ultrasonically Generated Liquid-Liquid Dispersions During Controlled Directional Solidification
著者(英)Grugel, R. N.; Fedoseyev, A. I.
著者所属(英)NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
内容記述There are innumerable two-component systems in which two very different liquid phases co-exist in equilibrium over a range of temperature and composition, e.g., oil and water, salt fluxes and solders, aluminum and lead. Often it is of practical concern to fabricate a solid component consisting of a uniform dispersion of one phase in the other. Unfortunately, uniform microstructural development during solidification of two immiscible liquids is hampered by inherent, often large, density differences between the phases that lead to severe segregation. Uniformity is also compromised by preferential wetting and coalescence phenomena. It is, however, well known that ultrasonic energy can initiate and maintain a fine liquid-liquid dispersion. The work presented here extends that observation by application of ultrasonic energy to promote uniform phase incorporation during controlled directional solidification. To this end experiments with the transparent organic, immiscible, succinonitrile-glycerol system were conducted and the numerous processing parameters associated with this technique were evaluated in view of optimizing dispersion uniformity. In view of the initial experimental results a model that predicts the dispersed liquid droplet size as a function of material properties, sample geometry, and applied energy has been developed. In the mathematical model we consider the ultrasonic field in an experimental ampoule of length L and diameter D induced by a probe having a vibration frequency of f=2OKhz (circular frequency omega = 2 pi f). The amplitude is adjustable from A=65 to 13Omicrons. The probe tip diameter is d, the liquid has a density of p, in which the speed of sound and surface tension are, respectively, c and sigma. The mathematical model and numerical investigation for the experiments [1] is done using the following assumptions: (i) The droplet size is small in comparison to the sound wave length; (ii) The forces between droplets are neglected (relative concentration is small); (iii) The droplet is stable if the kinetic energy, E(sub K), of the liquid motion due to ultrasonic field influence is less then the binding energy, E(sub S), due to the surface tension (it is easy to show that the surface energy of two droplets resulting from one is larger by about a factor of two.); (iv) The stability limit is characterized by E(sub S) to approx. E(sub K).
NASA分類Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics
権利No Copyright
