JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルGeodetic Observations of Interseismic Strain Segmentation at the Sumatra Subduction Zone
著者(英)Fauzi; Puntodewo, S. S. O.; Rais, J.; Bock, Y.; Calais, E.; McCaffrey, R.; Prawirodirdjo, L.; Zwick, P.; Genrich, J.; Subarya, C.
著者所属(英)Scripps Institution of Oceanography
内容記述Deformation above the Sumatra subduction zone, revealed by Global Positioning System (GPS) geodetic surveys, shows nearly complete coupling of the forearc to the subducting plate south of 0.5 deg S and half as much to north. The abrupt change in plate coupling coincides with the boundary between the rupture zones of the 1833 and 1861 (Mw greater than 8) thrust earthquakes. The rupture boundary appears as an abrupt change in strain accumulation well into the interseismic cycle, suggesting that seismic segmentation is controlled by properties of the plate interface that persist occupied through more than one earthquake cycle. Structural evidence indicates that differences in basal shear stress may be related to elevated pore pressure in the north.
