JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルCurrent-Produced Magnetic Field Effects on Current Collection
著者(英)Liemohn, M. W.; Khazanov, G. V.; Krivorutsky, E. N.; Stone, N. H.
著者所属(英)NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
内容記述Current collection by an infinitely long, conducting cylinder in a magnetized plasma, taking into account the magnetic field of the collected current, is discussed. A region of closed magnetic surfaces disconnects the cylinder from infinity. Due to this, the collected current depends on the ratio between this region and the plasma sheath region and, under some conditions, current reduction arises. It is found that the upper-bound limit of current collection is reduced due to this change of magnetic field topology. The effect can be essential even if the orbit-limited model of current collection is valid. This model is used to find the reduction of the total current collected by a cylinder (e.g., a bare tether). Such effect strongly depends on plasma density. The results are applied to a tether system in the ionosphere. For this case, it is found that current reduction can be significant for long tethers in typical dayside ionospheric conditions.
NASA分類Physics (General)
権利No Copyright
