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タイトルClear Sky Column Closure Studies of Urban-Marine and Mineral-Dust Aerosols Using Aircraft, Ship, Satellite and Ground-Based Measurements in ACE-2
著者(英)Livingston, John M.; Quinn, Patricia K.; Voss, Kenneth J.; Andreae, Meinrat O.; Collins, Donald R.; Gordon, Howard R.; Kapustin, Vladimir N.; Durkee, Philip A.; Gasso, Santiago; Russell, Philip B.; Schmid, Beat; Welton, Ellsworth J.; Flagan, Richard C.; Noone, Kevin J.; Seinfeld, John H.; Jonsson, Haflidi H.; Oestroem, Elisabeth; Hegg, Dean A.; Bates, Timothy S.; Formenti, Paola
著者所属(英)Bay Area Environmental Research Inst.
内容記述As part of the second Aerosol Characterization Experiment (ACE-2), European urban-marine and African mineral-dust aerosols were measured aboard the Pelican aircraft, the Research Vessel Vodyanitskiy from the ground and from satellites.
NASA分類Environment Pollution
