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タイトルSpectral Analysis of Vibrational Harmonic Motion by use of a Continuous-Wave CO2 Doppler Lidar
著者(英)Jarzembski, Maurice A.; Srivastava, Vandana
著者所属(英)NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
内容記述Vibrational motion of a harmonic oscillator was investigated using a focused continuous wave CO2 Doppler lidar at 9.1 microns wavelength. A continuum of frequencies along with many discrete, equally spaced, resonant frequency modes was observed. The frequency modes are similar in structure to the oscillatory longitudinal modes of a laser cavity and arise because of interference of the natural resonant frequency of the oscillator with specific frequencies within the continuum. The spectra revealed departures from linear motion for vigorous vibrations of the oscillator. Each consecutive resonant frequency mode occurred for a movement of the oscillator much less than the wavelength of incident lidar radiation.
NASA分類Physics (General)
権利No Copyright
