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タイトル1300 K Creep Behavior of [001] Oriented Ni-49Al-1Hf (at.%) Single Crystals
著者(英)Bowman, R.; Whittenberger, J. Daniel; Locci, I. E.; Darolia, Ram
著者所属(英)NASA Glenn Research Center
内容記述A study of the 1300 K compressive and tensile creep properties of [001]-oriented NiAl-1Hf (D209) single crystals has been undertaken. Neither post homogenization cooling treatment, minor chemical variations within an ingot or from ingot-to-ingot, nor testing procedure had a significant effect on mechanical behavior; however a heat treatment which dissolved the initial G-phase precipitates and promoted formation of Heusler particles led to a strength reduction. Little primary creep was found utilizing direct measurement of strain, and a misorientation of 18 deg from the [001] did not reduce the creep strength. The effects of heat treatments on properties and a comparison of the flow stress-strain rate data to those predicted by the Jaswon-Cottrell solid solution hardening model indicate that the 1300 K strength in NiAl-1Hf single crystals is mainly due to precipitation hardening mechanisms.
NASA分類Solid-State Physics
