JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルThe Scintillating Optical Fiber Calorimeter Instrument Performance (SOFCAL)
著者(英)Berry, F. A.; Parnell, T. A.; Benson, C. M.; Munroe, R. B.; Gregory, J. C.; Johnson, J. S.; Takahashi, Y.; Watts, J. W.; Christl, M. J.; Fountain, W. F.
著者所属(英)NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
内容記述SOFCAL is a balloon-borne instrument designed to measure the P-He cosmic ray spectra from about 200 GeV/amu - 20 TeV/amu. SOFCAL uses a thin lead and scintillating-fiber ionization calorimeter to measure the cascades produced by cosmic rays interacting in the hybrid detector system. Above the fiber calorimeter is an emulsion chamber that provides the interaction target, primary particle identification and in-flight energy calibration for the scintillating fiber data. The energy measurement technique and its calibration are described, and the present results from the analysis of a 1 day balloon flight will be presented.
NASA分類Instrumentation and Photography
権利No Copyright
