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タイトルCloud Feedback in Atmospheric General Circulation Models: An Update
著者(英)Dymnikov, V.; Ingram, W. J.; DelGenio, A. D.; Fowler, L. D.; Potter, G. L.; Kiehl, J. T.; Colman, R. A.; Fraser, J. R.; Zhang, M. H.; Cohen-Solal, E.; Hack, J. J.; Alekseev, V.; LeTreut, H.; Esch, M.; Dix, M. R.; Gates, W. L.; Galin, V.; Dazlich, D. A.; Cess, R. D.; Barker, H. W.
著者所属(英)NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
内容記述Six years ago, we compared the climate sensitivity of 19 atmospheric general circulation models and found a roughly threefold variation among the models; most of this variation was attributed to differences in the models' depictions of cloud feedback. In an update of this comparison, current models showed considerably smaller differences in net cloud feedback, with most producing modest values. There are, however, substantial differences in the feedback components, indicating that the models still have physical disagreements.
NASA分類Meteorology and Climatology
