JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルAuroral Boundaries: Comparison Between UV Images, In Situ Precipitation, and Groundbased Optical Observations
著者(英)Eastes, R.; Creutzberg, F.; Brittnacher, M.; Germany, G. A.; Swift, W. R.; Rich, F.; Parks, G. K.; Spann, James F., Jr.
著者所属(英)NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
内容記述The location of poleward and equatorward boundaries are used as diagnostics of substorm phase and energy storage in the magnetosphere. Boundaries are estimated from groundbased observations (all sky imagers, meridian scanning photometers, and magnetometers), from in situ particle observations, and from spacebased global auroral observations. Each observational technique has relative advantages. However, recent studies suggest caution when comparing boundaries derived from different methods. in the study, FUV auroral images from the POLAR Ultraviolet Imager are used to estimate auroral boundaries. These boundaries are then compared with similar boundaries derived from DMSP in situ particle precipitation observations and from groundbased meridian scanning photometers. The goal is to see how well the boundaries from these three dissimilar observations correlate, to estimate dependencies on instrumental capabilities, i.e. imager resolution, and to serve as a potential first step to derive an algorithm for finding oval boundaries from groundbased optical data.
