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タイトルSolution Growth of a Novel Nonlinear Optical Material: L-Histidine Tetrafluoroborate
著者(英)Aggarwal, M. D.; Bhat, K.; Lal, R. B.; Penn, Benjamin G.; Shields, Angela D.; Frazier, Donald O.; Wang, W. S.; Choi, J.
著者所属(英)NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
内容記述Single crystals of L-Histidine tetrafluoroborate (L-HFB), a semiorganic nonlinear optical (NLO) material have been successfully grown by the temperature lowering and evaporation methods in our laboratory. Solubility curves of L-HFB have been determined in different solvents, such as water, ethanol and acetone. The solubility of L-HFB is very low in acetone, and ethanol, therefore, it is not feasible to grow L-HFB single crystals using these solvents. Good quality single crystals of a novel nonlinear optical material L-HFB have been grown from aqueous solution. Effects of seed orientation on morphologies of L-HFB crystals were studied. The advantages and disadvantage of both the evaporation and the temperature lowering techniques are compared. The single crystals in size 20 x 20 x 10 cubic mm were grown with deionized water as solvent in two weeks with an approximate growth rate of 1.4mm/day. The transmission range for these crystals has been found to be from 250 nm to 1500 nm.
NASA分類Solid-State Physics
