JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルInteractive Sectoring and Animation of Global Change Data
著者(英)Guillory, Anthony; Atkinson, R. J.; Meyer, Paul J.; Jedlovec, Gary J.
著者所属(英)NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
内容記述In order to analyze and share results of global change climate data sets, scientists require a venue in which to exchange their results. The perfect medium for these collaborative efforts is the world wide web. Intuitive and efficient user interfaces, and background processes were developed at the Global Hydrology and Climate Center to interactively view weather satellite, radar, global temperature anomaly, and model output data using the world wide web. These tools combine scripts, Java, and C code, which allows the end user to easily interact with data, to create high resolution sector images, and sectored animation sequences. This paper examines the architecture and interfaces which were designed at the Global Hydrology and Climate Center and how they are used for collaborative research.
NASA分類Environment Pollution
権利No Copyright
