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タイトルMonitoring Oceanic Islands Via Radarsat Imaging Radar
著者(英)Garvin, James B.; Mahmood, Ahmed; Giguere, Christine
著者所属(英)NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
内容記述Oceanic islands represent an often overlooked aspect of the land surface of Earth, yet they are sensitive, natural laboratories for investigating the impacts of environmental change on landscapes and land-cover systems. For this reason, we have utilized the Canadian Space Agency's RADARSAT satellite to initiate a program for monitoring the landscapes of approximately 20 oceanic islands as part of the RADARSAT Background Mission. To date, we have analyzed high resolution SAR images of 12 islands that extend from the Arctic, throughout the Atlantic and Southern Indian oceans, and into the equatorial Pacific. We have selected islands for monitoring on the basis of their known or suspected history of landscape change in association with environmental factors or anthropogenic effects.
NASA分類Earth Resources and Remote Sensing
