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タイトルComparisons of Monthly Oceanic Rainfall Derived from TMI and SSM/I
著者(英)Meng, J.; Chiu, L. S.; Kummerow, C. D.; Chang, A. T. C.; Wilheit, T. T.
著者所属(英)NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
内容記述A technique for estimating monthly oceanic rainfall rate using multi-channel microwave measurements has been developed. There are three prominent features of this algorithm. First, the knowledge of the form of the rainfall intensity probability density function used to augment the measurements. Second, utilizing a linear combination of the 19.35 and 22.235 GHz channels to de-emphasize the effect of water vapor. Third, an objective technique has been developed to estimate the rain layer thickness from the 19.35 and 22.235 GHz brightness temperature histograms. This technique is applied to the SSM/I data since 1987 to infer monthly rainfall for the Global Precipitation Climatology Project (GPCP). A modified version of this algorithm is now being applied to the TRMM Microwave Imager (TMI) data. TMI data with better spatial resolution and 24 hour sampling (vs. sun-synchronized sampling, which is limited to two narrow intervals of local solar time for DMSP satellites) prompt us to study the similarity and difference between these two rainfall estimates. Six months of rainfall data (January to June 1998) are used in this study. Means and standard deviations are calculated. Paired student t-tests are administrated to evaluate the differences between rainfall estimates from SSM/I and TMI data. Their differences are discussed in the context of global satellite rainfall estimation.
NASA分類Meteorology and Climatology
