JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルU Burst in the Solar Wind
著者(英)Bougeret, J.-L.; Leblanc, Y.; Kaiser, M. L.; Dulk, G. A.
著者所属(英)NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
内容記述A type U bursts was observed on 22 June 1998 with the WAVES radio receivers on the Wind spacecraft. It descended in frequency from 5 MHz to the turning frequency of about 1 MHz. It is extremely rare that a U burst is observed at such a low frequency, well out in the solar wind. Using a density model to convert frequency to radial distance, we find that the radio emission started at 3 solar radius, and that the electron stream turned back toward the sun at about 8 solar radius. The probable origin of the energetic electrons was in a B 6.8 X-ray flare that was coincident with the onset of the U burst. A series of images by the SOHO/LASCO chronograph show a slow (214 km/s) CME in progress on the west limb whose front was at 9 solar radius, at the time of the U burst. As no stable magnetic loops exist at radial distances such as 8-9 solar radius, we attribute the U burst to a stream of energetic electrons accelerated in an active region at the footpoint of one leg of the expanding arch of the CME. The electron stream became unstable and began emitting radio emission at about 3 solar radius, continued to emit as it passed the top of the loop at 8-9 solar radius, then stopped emitting in the downgoing leg at about 4 solar radius.
NASA分類Solar Physics
権利No Copyright
