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タイトルStandard Reference Rainfall Products Used in the TRMM Ground Efforts
著者(英)Marks, David A.; Ferrier, Brad S.; Kulie, Mark S.; Robinson, Mike; Amitai, Eyal
著者所属(英)Maryland Univ. Baltimore County
内容記述The Primary goal of the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) Ground Validation (GV) effort is to provide basic validation of satellite-derived precipitation measurements over monthly climatologies. To this end, the Joint Center for Earth Systems Technology (JCET) at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County produces monthly rainfall accumulation reference products for each of the four primary TRMM GV sites. These products, standard methodology for deriving monthly, gauge-adjusted rainfall products, are utilized for each primary site. The monthly rainfall GV reference products are developed in discrete, modular steps with distinct intermediate products. These developmental steps, which will be fully discussed, include: (1) extracting radar data over locations of rain gauges, (2) merging rain gauge and radar data in time and space with user-defined options, (3) quality control of radar and gauge merged data by tracking accumulations from each instrument, and (4) deriving Z_R relationship from quality-controlled merged data over monthly time scales. A summary of all gauge statistics and GV rainfall reference products available for TRMM science users will be presented. Basic reference product results and trends involving monthly accumulation, Z-R relationship, and gauge statistics for primary GV site will be discussed. Finally, the sample impact on monthly rainfall reference products, through varying the time interval between intermediate rainfall accumulations, will be analyzed and presented.
NASA分類Meteorology and Climatology
権利No Copyright
