JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルThe Astro-E/XRS Calibration Program and Results
著者(英)Arnaud, Keith A.; Kelley, Richard L.; Boyce, Kevin R.; Porter, F. Scott; Gendreau, Keith C.; Fujimoto, Ryuichi; Mihara, Tatehiro; Mitsuda, Kazuhisa; Audley, M. Damian; Ishisaki, Yoshitaka
著者所属(英)NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
内容記述XRS is the microcalorimeter X-ray detector aboard the US-Japanese ASTRO-E observatory, which is scheduled to be launched in early 2000. XRS is a high resolution spectrometer- with less than 9 eV resolution at 3 keV and better than 14 eV resolution over its bandpass ranging from about 0.3 keV to 15 keV. Here we present the results of our first calibration of the XRS instrument. We describe the methods used to extract detailed information about the detection efficiency and spectral redistribution of the instrument. We also present comparisons of simulations and real data to test our detector models.
NASA分類Instrumentation and Photography
権利No Copyright
