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タイトルMelt Growth of a Nonlinear Optical Crystal Triethylphosphine Sulfide using Modified Bridgman-Stockbarger Technique
著者(英)Choi, J.; Wang, W. S.; Curry, K.; Frazier, Donald O.; Lai, R. B.; Aggarwal, M. D.; Penn, Benjamin G.
著者所属(英)NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
内容記述Bulk single crystals of triethylphosphine sulfide (C2H5)3P(S), a potential nonlinear optical organic material has been grown from melt using Bridgman- Stockbarger method. Commercially available material triethylphosphine sulfide procured from Johnson Matthey was purified by physical vapor transport using low pressure sublimaton (about 30 mTorr). Modified Bridgman-Stockbarger technique is characterized by the smallest possible quantity of product in the melt for a short period of time. The temperature gradient was chosen to be about 10 C/cm and the ampoule was lowering rate was chosen to be 0.2-0.3 mm/h. For various growth conditions, several single crystal of triethylphosphine sulfide have been grown with sizes 10X10X15mm(exp 3). The second harmonic generation (SHG) efficiency was measured and has been found to be comparable to phase matched potassium dihydrogen phosphate crystals. Further characterization of the grown single crystals is in progress and the results will be presented at the symposium.
NASA分類Solid-State Physics
