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タイトルThe CUSP/Magnetosheath Interface on May 29, 1996: Interball-1 and Polar Observations
著者(英)Nikolaeva, N. S.; Urquhart, A. L.; Yermolaev, I.; Reiff, P. H.; Savin, S. P.; Klimov, S. I.; Budnik, E. Yu.; Fedorov, A. O.; Russell, C. T.; Zelenyi, L.; Zhou, X-W.; Romanov, S. A.
著者所属(英)Academy of Sciences (USSR)
内容記述On May 29, 1996, under steady strong northward IMF and high solar wind dynamic pressure conditions both Polar and Interball cross field lines that pass through the northern cusp and apparently close to the post-cusp reconnection site. The magnetopause current observed by Interball consists of two quite distinct layers, an inner broad current that is quite turbulent and another current that is quite abrupt and quiet. Polar also crosses current layers, similar to the Interball inner one. These observations support a model in which cusp field lines experience essentially stochastic behavior but on average provide topological connection between the cusp and magnetosheath.
