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タイトルLaboratory Methods for the Measurement of Pollutants in Water and Waste Effluents
著者(英)Ballinger, Dwight G.
著者所属(英)Environmental Protection Agency
内容記述The requirement for accurate, precise, and rapid analytical procedures for the examination of water and waste samples requires the use of a variety of instruments. The instrumentation in water laboratories includes atomic absorption, UV-visible. and infrared spectrophotometers, automatic colorimetric analyzers, gas chromatographs and mass spectrometers. Because of the emphasis on regulatory action, attention is being directed toward quality control of analytical results. Among the challenging problems are the differentiation of metallic species in water at nanogram concentrations, rapid measurement of free cyanide and free ammonia, more sensitive methods for arsenic and selenium and improved characterization of organic contaminants.
NASA分類Environment Pollution
レポートNOAIAA Paper 71-1034
