JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルGeospace Magnetospheric Dynamics Mission
著者(英)Kluever, C.; Lopez, R. E.; Hack, K.; Hillard, G. B.; Burch, J. L.; Luhmann, J. G.; Martin, J. B.; Fennell, J. F.; Russell, C. T.; Kurth, W. S.; Hanson, J. E.
著者所属(英)NASA Lewis Research Center
内容記述The Geospace Magnetospheric Dynamics (GMD) mission is designed to provide very closely spaced, multipoint measurements in the thin current sheets of the magnetosphere to determine the relation between small scale processes and the global dynamics of the magnetosphere. Its trajectory is specifically designed to optimize the time spent in the current layers and to minimize radiation damage to the spacecraft. Observations are concentrated in the region 8 to 40 R(sub E) The mission consists of three phases. After a launch into geostationary transfer orbit the orbits are circularized to probe the region between geostationary orbit and the magnetopause; next the orbit is elongated keeping perigee at the magnetopause while keeping the line of apsides down the tail. Finally, once apogee reaches 40 R(sub E) the inclination is changed so that the orbit will match the profile of the noon-midnight meridian of the magnetosphere. This mission consists of 4 solar electrically propelled vehicles, each with a single NSTAR thruster utilizing 100 kg of Xe to tour the magnetosphere in the course of a 4.4 year mission, the same thrusters that have been successfully tested on the Deep Space-1 mission.
