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タイトルConjugate Observations of Optical Aurora with POLAR Satellite and Ground Based Imagers in Antarctica
著者(英)Spann, J. F., Jr.; Mende, S. H.; Doolittle, J. H.; Vo, H.; Geller, S. P.; Frey, H.
著者所属(英)NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
内容記述Operation of the ultraviolet imager on the POLAR satellite permits the observation of Aurora Borealis in daylight during northern summer. With optical imagers in the Automatic Geophysical Observatories (AGO-s) large regions of the oval of Aurora Australis can be observed simultaneously during the southern winter polar night. This opportunity permits conducting a systematic study of the properties of auroras on opposite ends of the same field line. It is expected that simultaneously observed conjugate auroras occurring on closed field lines should be similar to each other in appearance because of the close connection between the two hemispheres through particle scattering and mirroring processes. On open or greatly distorted field lines there is no a priori expectation of similarity between conjugate auroras. To investigate the influence of different IMF conditions on auroral behavior we have examined conjugate data for periods of southward IMF. Sudden brightening and subsequent poleward expansions are observed to occur simultaneously in both hemispheres. The POLAR data show that sudden brightening are initiated at various local time regions. When the local time of this region is in the field of view of the AGO station network then corresponding brightening is also found to occur in the southern hemisphere. Large features such as substorm induced westward propagation and resulting auroral brightening seem to occur simultaneously on conjugate hemispheres. The widely different view scales make it difficult to make unique identification of individual auroral forms in the POLAR and in the ground based data but in a general sense the data is consistent with conjugate behavior.
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