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タイトルTemperature, Size, and Energy of the Shoemaker-Levy 9 G-Impact Fireball
著者(英)Hui, J.; Weissman, P. R.; Drossart, P.; Encrenaz, Th.; Segura, M.; Carlson, R. W.
著者所属(英)Jet Propulsion Lab., California Inst. of Tech.
内容記述The fortunate position of the Galileo spacecraft provided us with a unique opportunity to directly observe the Shoemaker- Levy 9 impacts as they occurred on the far side of Jupiter, and we present observations of the G fireball obtained by the Near Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (NTMS). These measurements were performed using 10 spectral bands, 4 representing continua and spanning the wavelength range 1.84 to 4.38 mu. Fireball signals were evident for up to 80 sec, with the time of intensity maxima and duration being greater for longer wavelengths. Color temperatures and effective emitting areas were estimated by fitting blackbody functions at the four continuum wavelengths. Good blackbody fits were found, and their intensities at shorter wavelengths show excellent agreement with the Galileo Photopolarimeter/Radiometer measurements. Temperatures near the beginning are above 3000 K, decreasing to approximately 1000 K after 1 min. The corresponding areas range from 400 to 20,000 sq km. The effective diameter of the luminous fireball shows approximately linear time variation, at least for the first 45 sec. From the temperature-effective diameter relation we find an adiabatic coefficient of lambda = 1.2+/-0.1, much as expected from theoretical considerations. The luminosity, when integrated over the period of observations and assuming a Stephan-Boltzmann radiator, gives an above-cloud radiative energy loss of 0.48+/- 0.13 x 10(exp 25) erg.
