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タイトルThe diffuse soft X-ray background as seen with the Einstein Observatory
著者(英)Sciortino, S.; Micela, G.; Vaiana, G. S.; Harnden, F. R., Jr.; Rosner, R.
著者所属(英)Chicago Univ.|Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics|Osservatorio Astronomico
内容記述A systematic survey of the diffuse soft X-ray background as seen directly with the Einstein Observatory is presented. With the aid of 1633 selected 1 x 1 deg fields of view obtained by the IPC to provide about 5-percent sky coverage, with some bias toward the Galactic plane, the background in the 0.16-3.5 keV spectral region was spatially resolved on this angular scale. Maps of the background are characterized and produced at different energies within the Einstein passband. It is confirmed that the Galactic ridge is not present at energies below 0.33 keV and it is demonstrated that the appearance of the ridge above this energy is not due to hard Galactic sources with a flux above 10 exp -13 ergs/sq cm/s. A southern Galactic region is identified, with l between 80 and 180 deg and b less than -5 deg, where the mean background intensity has the lowest value and is homogeneous within better than 9 percent. The implications of these results for the Galactic structure and for the nature of the extragalactic X-ray background are discussed.
