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タイトルIrreversible transport in the stratosphere by internal waves of short vertical wavelength
著者(英)Kley, Dieter; Gaines, Steven E.; Danielsen, Edwin F.; Kelley, Ken K.; Vedder, James F.; Starr, Walter L.; Hipskind, R. S.
著者所属(英)Kernforschungsanlage|National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration|Sterling Software, Inc.|NASA Ames Research Center
内容記述Measurements performed during stratospheric flights of the U-2 aircraft confirm that cross-jet transport is dominated by waves, not by large-scale circulations. Monotonic gradients of trace constituents normal to the jet axis, with upper stratospheric tracers increasing poleward and tropospheric tracers increasing equatorward, are augmented by large-scale confluence as the jet intensifies during cyclogenesis. These gradients are rotated, intensified, and significantly increased in areas as their mixing ratio surfaces are folded by the differential transport of a very low frequency transverse wave. The quasi-horizontal transport produces a laminar structure with stable layers rich in upper stratospheric tracers alternating vertically with less stable layers rich in tropospheric tracers. The transport proceeds toward irreversibility at higher frequency, shear-gravity waves extend the folding to smaller horizontal scales.
