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タイトルMulti-element airfoil optimization for maximum lift at high Reynolds numbers
著者(英)Mcghee, Robert J.; Valarezo, Walter O.; Goodman, Wesley L.; Dominik, Chet J.; Paschal, Keith B.
著者所属(英)Douglas Aircraft Co., Inc.; NASA Langley Research Center
内容記述An experimental study has been performed to assess the maximum lift capability of a supercritical multielement airfoil representative of an advanced transport aircraft wing. The airfoil model was designed with a leading-edge slat and single or two-segment trailing-edge flaps. Optimization work was performed at various slat/flap deflections as well as gap/overhang positions. Landing configurations and the attainment of maximum lift coefficients of 4.5 with single-element flaps and 5.0 with two-segment flaps was emphasized. Test results showed a relatively linear variation of the optimum gap/overhang positioning of the slat versus slat deflection, considerable differences in optimum rigging between single and double segment flaps, and large Reynolds number effects on multielement airfoil optimization.
AIAA PAPER 91-3332
