JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルDust scattering in the high-state eclipse of Cen X-3
著者(英)Tennant, A. F.; Day, C. S. R.
著者所属(英)NASA Goddard Space Flight Center|Institute of Astronomy|NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
内容記述Exosat data from two high-state eclipses of Cen X-3 are analyzed for the effects of dust scattering. The light curves show bright (2 per cent of the out-of-eclipse flux), smoothly varying emission which reaches its minimum after mideclipse. Of this emission, the soft flux falls monotonically with orbital phase. This soft component with dust scattering is identified and spectral models are fitted to the asymmetric emission, that is, to spectra obtained by subtracting from a spectrum at a given orbital phase before phase zero the corresponding spectrum from the equal and opposite phase after phase zero. It is found that the model of Molnar and Mauche, used to fit dust scattering in Cyg X-3, can explain the observed spectra and yields values for the distance to Cen X-3 and for the size of the dust grains of 5.4 kpc and 0.33 micron, consistent with previous observations in other wavebands.
