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タイトルRadio range measurements of coronal electron densities at 13 and 3.6 centimeter wavelengths during the 1988 solar conjunction of Voyager 2
著者(英)Borutzki, S. E.; Asmar, S. W.; Delitsky, M. L.; Maurer, M. J.; Morabito, D. D.; Anderson, J. D.; Eshe, P. M.; Krisher, T. P.; Densmore, A. C.; Lewis, G. D.
著者所属(英)Jet Propulsion Lab., California Inst. of Tech.
内容記述Radio range measurements of total solar plasma delay obtained during the solar conjunction of the Voyager 2 spacecraft in December 1988, which occurred near solar maximum activity in the 11 yr cycle are reported. The radio range measurements were generated by the Deep Space Network at two wavelengths on the downlink from the spacecraft: 3.6 and 13 cm. A direct measurement of the integrated electron density along the ray path between the earth stations and the spacecraft was obtained by differencing the range at the two wavelengths. Coronal electron density profiles have been derived during ingress and egress of the ray path, which approached the sun to within 5 solar radii. At 10 solar radii, the derived density profiles yield 34079 + or - 611/cu cm on ingress and 49688 + or - 983/cu cm on egress. These density levels are significantly higher than observed near previous solar maxima.
