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タイトルComputational and experimental aftbody flow fields for hypersonic, airbreathing configurations with scramjet exhaust flow simulation
著者(英)Huebner, Lawrence D.; Tatum, Kenneth E.
著者所属(英)NASA Langley Research Center; Lockheed Engineering and Sciences Co.
内容記述Computational results are presented for three issues pertinent to hypersonic, airbreathing vehicles employing scramjet exhaust flow simulation. The first issue consists of a comparison of schlieren photographs obtained on the aftbody of a cruise missile configuration under powered conditions with two-dimensional computational solutions. The second issue presents the powered aftbody effects of modeling the inlet with a fairing to divert the external flow as compared to an operating flow-through inlet on a generic hypersonic vehicle. Finally, a comparison of solutions examining the potential of testing powered configurations in a wind-off, instead of a wind-on, environment, indicate that, depending on the extent of the three-dimensional plume, it may be possible to test aftbody powered hypersonic, airbreathing configurations in a wind-off environment.
AIAA PAPER 91-1709
