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タイトルTesting and application of a viscous passive damper for use in precision truss structures
著者(英)Davis, P.; Trubert, M.; Fanson, J.; Anderson, E.
著者所属(英)Honeywell, Inc.|Jet Propulsion Lab., California Inst. of Tech.
内容記述A passive damping device intended to replace individual struts in precision truss structures for space applications is described. The theory of operation of the D-Strut device is detailed, and simple five- and three-parameter models are derived. Results from tests conducted to characterize the D-Strut at submicron displacement levels are reporeted. The incorporation of a strut in a precision truss testbed is described. Parameters determined from the component-level tests are used in a finite element model of the truss, and damping augmentation is predicted. Using the simple three-parameter model, a damper is selected for multiple placement in a separate optical interferometer truss testbed. The effect of the addition of the damper struts is illustrated analytically in a model of the structure. Finally, an improved Arched Flexure D-Strut that is expected to provide higher loss factors, and is currently under development, is described.
AIAA PAPER 91-0996
