JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルCometary water-group ions in the region surrounding Comet Giacobini-Zinner - Distribution functions and bulk parameter estimates
著者(英)Staines, K.; Tsurutani, B. T.; Cowley, S. W. H.; Balogh, A.; Richardson, I. G.; Sanderson, T. R.
著者所属(英)Imperial Coll. of Science and Technology|European Space Agency. European Space Research and Technology Center|NASA Goddard Space Flight Center|Jet Propulsion Lab., California Inst. of Tech.
内容記述The bulk parameters (number density and thermal energy density) of cometary water-group ions in the region surrounding Comet Giacobini-Zinner have been derived using data from the EPAS instrument on the ICE spacecraft. The derivation is based on the assumption that the pick-up ion distribution function is isotropic in the frame of the bulk flow, an approximation which has previously been shown to be reasonable within about 400,000 km of the comet nucleus along the spacecraft trajectory. The transition between the pick-up and mass-loaded regions occurs at the cometary shock, which was traversed at a cometocentric distance of about 100,000 km along the spacecraft track. Examination of the ion distribution functions in this region, transformed to the bulk flow frame, indicates the occurrence of a flattened distribution in the vicinity of the local pick-up speed, and a steeply falling tail at speeds above, which may be approximated as an exponential in ion speed.
