JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルChanges in body fluid compartments during a 28-day bed rest
著者(英)Fortney, Suzanne M.; Davis, John E.; Vogel, John M.; Hyatt, Kenneth H.
著者所属(英)NASA Johnson Space Center
内容記述Serial isotope measurements were used to obtain measurements of the body fluid responses of 10 22-29-year-old men during 28 d of simulated microgravity (bed rest). The subjects were maintained on a controlled metabolic diet for 7 d before the study, during 14 d of ambulatory control, 28 d of horizontal bed rest, and 14 d of ambulant recovery. Fluid compartments were measured on control days 1 and 9, bed rest days 2, 14, and 28, and recovery days 7 and 14. By day 2 of bed rest, plasma volume and extracellular volume (ECV) decreased significantly by an average 209 and 533 ml, respectively. Red cell volume and total body water (TBW) decreased more slowly, with average losses of 128 and 1316 ml, respectively, after 28 d of bed rest. Early in the bed rest, TBW loss was mostly from the ECV. Thereafter, the TBW deficit was derived from the intracellular compartment, which decreased an average of 838 ml after 28 d. These results suggest losses from all fluid compartments during bed rest, with no evidence of restoration of ECV after 1-2 weeks.
