タイトル | Numerical, experimental, and theoretical study of convective instability of flows over pointed bodies at incidence |
著者(英) | Tobak, Murray; Degani, David |
著者所属(英) | Technion - Israel Inst. of Tech.; NASA Ames Research Center |
発行日 | 1991-01-01 |
言語 | eng |
内容記述 | A study is conducted to investigate whether the behavior of the asymmetric mean flow observed on pointed bodies of revolution at incidence remains consistent with the presence of a convective instability of an original symmetric flow, even in the incidence range where virtually bistable behavior of the asymmetric flow is observed. By means of a retractable wire located near the tip, it is determined experimentally that for all angles of attack tested (30 to 60 degs), changing the size or location of the controlled disturbance results in a finite change in the asymmetric flow field, even to the extent of reversing the sign of the side force or becoming almost symmetric. The process is reversible; returning the wire to an original position likewise restores the corresponding flow field and mean side force. The effect of wire location (roll angle and distance from the tip) as well as angle of attack and flow conditions are evaluated experimentally by means of flow visualization and side-force measurements for a generic ogive-cylinder model in a low-speed wind tunnel. Evaluation of the results in the light of computational observations and theoretical considerations yields an affirmative answer to the question posed. |
レポートNO | 91A21443 AIAA PAPER 91-0291 |
権利 | Copyright |